Will LightRigger need to be installed on render nodes for network rendering?
Never.  The entire LightRigger system is composed of 100% standard 3ds max lights, objects, groups, controllers and linkages.  There are no scripted or SDK plugin classes used at all, so a render node only sees a scene with standard 3ds max components.  LightRigger scenes can be used on workstations and render nodes that do not have LightRigger installed.

Can the Light Rigs be controlled without using LightRigger?
To a limited extent, yes.  LightRigger is based on the use of instanced controllers to keep the different components of the system working together.  This means that the LightRigger system stays intact and synchronized whether LightRigger is open, closed or not even installed.  This also allows someone without LightRigger to change many properties by opening the Rigs, selecting individual lights and changing the instanced controller values directly.

Can the included high-resolution Sky Maps and Haze Maps be used in my other projects?
Absolutely.  As described in the documentation and on the Free Use page, these maps are free, public domain works.

Why is new Light Rig creation in 3ds max 3-7 so much slower than shown in the Demo Video?
In 3ds max 3-7, the creation of a new Light Rig can take longer to finish due to the inefficient way that Maxscript 3-7 handles controller assignments.  This momentary delay increases with the number of lights in a Light Rig (i.e. 320 vs. 80) and the number of Rigs linked to the selected Ambient Track.  This same delay is evident in several of LightRigger's other functions, such as some of the Rig Mode conversions.  Maxscript 8 and above handles controller assignments much more efficiently, so these delays do not affect LightRigger in 3ds max 8 and above.

How do I uninstall LightRigger from 3ds max?
Follow the steps for uninstalling in 3D Studio MAX R3.1, 3ds max 4-8 and 3ds max 9+.